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To James Cantlie detail


To James Cantlie

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To James Cantlie









Sun Yat-Sen

To James CantlieAug. 12, 1921 CantonMy dear Sir James Cantlie:Many thanks for your letter of June 26 and for your great kind-ness in seeing about the publication of my book in England. I under-stand fully the difficulties mentioned in your letter; and if you donot succeed in placing the book for the present, I shall wait for amore favourable opportunity.I have read Marquis Curzon's letter with great interest and quiteunderstand his difficulty. Of course, in requesting him to write anintroduction to my book, it never crossed my mind to try to useor exploit him in the interests of my party. I am convinced thatthe lines of development defined in my book are the right onesto be followed if China and her incalculable resources are to bemade available, at the earliest date and without protracted delay,for the use of her people and for the people of the rest of the world.I want this view to be shared by those who are shaping or who arein a position to influence the large policies of the world in orderto get the necessary momentum which shall set my thoughts mov-ing in the mind of men in the direction of work and achievement.That is the only reason why I thought of getting Lord Curzon tointroduce the book to the English public.With you, I think the Miners' Strike and its result will have asteadying effect on political development in England. Of course,the fundamental common sense of your people is a mighty asset.With renewed thanks and best wishes, Very sincerely yours, Sun Yat-sen








To James Cantlie
Aug. 12, 1921

CantonMy dear Sir James Cantlie:
 Many thanks for your letter of June 26 and for your great kind-ness in seeing about the publication of my book in England. I under-stand fully the difficulties mentioned in your letter; and if you donot succeed in placing the book for the present, I shall wait for amore favourable opportunity.
 I have read Marquis Curzon's letter with great interest and quiteunderstand his difficulty. Of course, in requesting him to write anintroduction to my book, it never crossed my mind to try to useor exploit him in the interests of my party. I am convinced thatthe lines of development defined in my book are the right onesto be followed if China and her incalculable resources are to bemade available, at the earliest date and without protracted delay,for the use of her people and for the people of the rest of the world.I want this view to be shared by those who are shaping or who arein a position to influence the large policies of the world in orderto get the necessary momentum which shall set my thoughts mov-ing in the mind of men in the direction of work and achievement.That is the only reason why I thought of getting Lord Curzon to
Letter to Cantlie Aug. 12, 1921 464

introduce the book to the English public.
 With you, I think the Miners' Strike and its result will have asteadying effect on political development in England. Of course,the fundamental common sense of your people is a mighty asset.With renewed thanks and best wishes,
Very sincerely yours, Sun Yat-sen

Letter to Cantlie Aug. 12, 1921 465