An exploration of the four Sunshine Acts implemented by the Control Yuan(using the implementation between 2011-2013 as an example)
According to relevant laws and regulations, the regulations of the four Sunshine Acts are partially implemented by the Control Yuan. Consequently, the issue of the Control Yuan’s method of implementation of the four Sunshine Acts Yuan is worth investigating by the academia. In this paper, the author will first summarize the development of the four Sunshine Acts. The four Sunshine Acts refer to: the “Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants”, “Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest”, “Political Donations Act”, and “Lobbying Act”.
Secondly, are there any flaws in the four Sunshine Acts and do they require amendments? With regard to the aforementioned problem, the Control Yuan may be able to draw on their experience in implementing the four Sunshine Acts and provide some suggestions. The amendments proposed by the Control Yuan can be broadly divided into three categories: One, the addition or removal of “illegal subjects”; two, the amendment of “illegal patterns”; and three, the amendment of “illegal effects”. In general, the majority of the suggestions for amendments by the Control Yuan are recent issues that were encountered in implementation and addendums for legislative deficiencies.
This paper also explores two cases, one which involves the Political Donations Act and the other which involves the Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest.
Lastly, this paper will summarize the problems encountered by the Control Yuan in the implementation of the four Sunshine Acts. These problems involve various issues of the regulatory authority and enforcing authority, problems with the processing mechanism for cases dealing with violation of the Sunshine Acts, the issue of attribution of transfer authority for criminal responsibility of civil servants, etc. This paper also explores the dispute on constitutional organization which was triggered by the implementation of the four Sunshine Acts by the Control Yuan, as well as whether or not the role of the Control Yuan as the enforcing authority of the four Sunshine Acts violates the Constitution. Regarding this point, this paper believes that with regard to the result of the implementation of the four Sunshine Acts by the Control Yuan, although the structure of the five power organization was adjusted, the objective of the implementation lay in the promotion of uncorrupt and efficient politics in the government and the establishment of sound democratic law, which could be used to complement the constitutional function of the Control Yuan. Therefore, this paper asserts that the Control Yuan’s authority to implement the four Sunshine Acts does not violate the constitution.