The State of the COVID-19 Post-pandemic World and Taiwan’s Situation: A Concurrent Discussion of Sun Yat-Sen’s Perspectives
2019年進入2020年之初,可謂不平靜的年份,美國與中國貿易大戰未歇;接著香港的社會紛亂持續半年以上,也牽動歐美各國與中共的外交齟齬;世局紛擾不安之際,突然出現更令人震驚與恐懼的大事,2019年底發生於武漢,2020年初,快速蔓延至世界各地的「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19;本文以下簡稱「新冠肺炎」或「新冠疫情」)。迄2021年5月初,全球確診人數已經超過1億5千多萬人,死亡人數超過320萬人,不僅被世衛組織宣布為「全球大流行」,更可怕的是,至今仍在蔓延擴增,且有第二、第三波變種病毒的疑慮,各國雖研發出一些疫苗,許多國家也給一定比例的國民注射疫苗,不過距離疫情完全控制,仍須依些時日。換言之,「疫情有古今,病毒無國界」,各國共同合作、政府與人民攜手,才是未來的出路。
From 2019 to early 2020 can be described as a year of unrest. The unceasing US-Sino trade war and the social chaos in Hong Kong lasting for more than half a year triggered diplomatic discord between European countries, the United States, and China. Amidst a world in turmoil, an even more shocking and frightening event took place. At the end of 2019, the Coronavirus disease 2019 (aka COVID-19, aka “the pandemic”) that started in Wuhan quickly spread around the world. In early April 2021, the number of confirmed cases worldwide exceeded 130 million, with deaths exceeding 29 million. Not only has the World Health Organization declared it a “global pandemic”, but more dreadfully, the virus continues to spread and multiply, and concerns of a second and third wave of mutant strains continue. Although countries around the world have developed vaccines and many countries have provided vaccinations to a certain proportion of their people, it will still take time to place the pandemic completely under control. In other words, “pandemics span across time, and viruses know no borders”. Cooperation among countries and collaboration between governments and their people are the only way out.
In this paper, the development and current situation of COVID-19 are first explained. This paper also points out that ethnic and cultural differences and government mentalities and measures towards epidemic prevention have all had an impact on the severity of the pandemic. Secondly, pertaining to the world’s post-pandemic situation, a preliminary study on the domestic and foreign political and economic situations was conducted. Secondly, with concern to Taiwan’s position in the face of global turbulence, the pandemic situation, and post-pandemic panic, Taiwan’s coping measures are contemplated. Finally, Sun Yat-sen thought is cited to discuss its revelations for the world’s post-pandemic situation.