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To James Deitrick detail


To James Deitrick

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To James Deitrick









Sun Yat-Sen

To James DeitrickNov. 20, 1914 26, Reinanzaka Akasaka Tokyo, JapanMy dear Mr. Deitrick:Your letter of October 31, has reached me yesterday. Andprevious ones of September 19,23,23,26, and October 1 and 4,have all due safely. I have to beg your excuse for not answeringsooner and one by one, for my English secretary is not here,and I have been very busy for the last few months. Besides, inmy last letter, which enclosed the signed documents, I have toldyou all the important things and there is not much new mattersto tell you again.In the last letter I have told you that I was engaging in animmediate project by our own means, of which we were expectinggood result everyday. But unfortunately several mishaps have beentaken place since. Firstly, one of our important leader, Mr. Fan HungSen, has been murdered by Yuan's man in Shanghai; he has greatinfluence among the northern troops which garrison Shanghai andit's vicinity. He had gained over a great part of them to our cause.Secondly, the preparation in Hanchow, the capital of Chekiangprovince, has been interrupted by some detection of the enemy.Thirdly, the movement started a few days ago in Kwang Tung pro-vince, on account of short of fund, could not capture the city ofCanton simultaneously. Now fighting is going on all over outsidedistricts of Canton, and result is not yet known. All the provincesin West and North China are ready for co-operation, but lack of fund.Time is again ripe for a general movement such as that ofthe first Revolution in 1911. And the next time all will beunder my direct control. No mistake or half measure should berecurred, and I am sure of a greater success than the firstRevolution.I am in urgent need of money now. Can you furnish a sum ofhalf million or more cash immediately? If this can be forthcomingI can still seize the opportunity within this year or the beginningof the next to make a successful move. If you can get the moneyfor me, besides, at the time secure ten or more the latest type aer-oplanes and ship to Capt. Tom Gunn, Manila, immediately. If aer-oplanes cannot be got just send the amount of mortors (at least100 H.P.) with necessary materials and equipments.With kindest regards to you and Mrs. Deitrick. Yours very sincerely, Sun Yat-senP.S. The box of AKOZ medicine received, I will ask some of my friends to try it. If real good, some one will surely willing to be selling agent in this part of the world. please tell this to your friend the Doctor.








To James Deitrick
Nov. 20, 1914

26, Reinanzaka Akasaka Tokyo, JapanMy dear Mr. Deitrick:
 Your letter of October 31, has reached me yesterday. Andprevious ones of September 19,23,23,26, and October 1 and 4,have all due safely. I have to beg your excuse for not answeringsooner and one by one, for my English secretary is not here,and I have been very busy for the last few months. Besides, inmy last letter, which enclosed the signed documents, I have toldyou all the important things and there is not much new mattersto tell you again.
 In the last letter I have told you that I was engaging in animmediate project by our own means, of which we were expectinggood result everyday. But unfortunately several mishaps have beentaken place since. Firstly, one of our important leader, Mr. Fan HungSen, has been murdered by Yuan's man in Shanghai; he has greatinfluence among the northern troops which garrison Shanghai andit's vicinity. He had gained over a great part of them to our cause.Secondly, the preparation in Hanchow, the capital of Chekiangprovince, has been interrupted by some detection of the enemy.
Letter to Deitrick Nov. 20, 1914 410

Thirdly, the movement started a few days ago in Kwang Tung pro-vince, on account of short of fund, could not capture the city ofCanton simultaneously. Now fighting is going on all over outsidedistricts of Canton, and result is not yet known. All the provincesin West and North China are ready for co-operation, but lack of fund.Time is again ripe for a general movement such as that ofthe first Revolution in 1911. And the next time all will beunder my direct control. No mistake or half measure should berecurred, and I am sure of a greater success than the firstRevolution.
 I am in urgent need of money now. Can you furnish a sum ofhalf million or more cash immediately? If this can be forthcomingI can still seize the opportunity within this year or the beginningof the next to make a successful move. If you can get the moneyfor me, besides, at the time secure ten or more the latest type aer-oplanes and ship to Capt. Tom Gunn, Manila, immediately. If aer-oplanes cannot be got just send the amount of mortors (at least100 H.P.) with necessary materials and equipments.With kindest regards to you and Mrs. Deitrick. Yours very sincerely, Sun Yat-sen
Letter to Deitrick Nov. 20, 1914 411

The box of AKOZ medicine received, I will ask some of my friends to try it. If real good, some one will surely willing to be selling agent in this part of the world. please tell this to your friend the Doctor.

Letter to Deitrick Nov. 20, 1914 412