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孫中山民族主義的變化歷程:按其脈絡來思考合理的觀念轉化 detail



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Historical change in Sun Yat-sen’s nationalism: Considering changes in his reasoning based on his contexts

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Nationalism; Zhonghua Minzu (Chinese Nation); Chinese culture; internally a sage, externally a king; Theory of Innate Chinese Nationalism



A nation is a “community of the imagination”. This means that a group of people share common characteristics in aspects such as culture, history, script, customs, and psychology. This generates a considerable amount of identification with one another. Responding to the pragmatic requirements of the times, they adjust and elaborate upon their imaginings of these characteristics; and by doing so, they cohere to form a community. When they then mutually pursue that community’s survival and development, that is a “nation” (minzu). The earliest concept of a minzu was in the Southern Dynasties (420–589 CE), when it was used to mean a clan lineage. At the end of the 19th century, under the influence of Japanese nationalism, Liang Qichao was the first to use the term minzu to mean a “community”, with both the political and cultural implications of that term. In his writings, he was also the first to propose the concept of a “Chinese Nation” (Zhonghua Minzu), and then to interpret the Chinese Nation as being composed of a mix of multiple nations. He advocated for abandoning narrowly-defined ethnic revanchism, and instead for bringing many minzu together to form a composite nation. The influence of Liang Qichao’s views has been deep and wide. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the factions advocating for a constitutional monarchy and for revolution were both influenced by him. In A New Chinese Nationalism, Li Dazhao looked at Japan’s pan-Asianism and proposed that China must build a new Chinese nationalism based on bringing together different ethnicities. This had an immense impact on the development of Sun Yat-sen’s thought.
Sun Yat-sen’s nationalist thought went through four major phases: 1) Total anti-Manchu-ism (1893–1904). In his early years, he advocated for overturning the rule of the Manchurian Qing Dynasty and returning ethnically Han people to power. This reflects a strong Han nationalism. 2) Targeted anti-Manchu-ism (1905–1911). He realized the limitations of totally rejecting the Manchus, and instead turned his attacks to the upper ruling classes of the Manchus, with more logical, concrete goals. 3) Five Nations Republic phase (1912–1921). During this period, he pushed for ethnic harmony and political equality. Nationalism in this period was aimed at using revolution to realize equality and unification of the different minzu. 4) Chinese Nation phase (1912–1921). Here, he emphasized all the people of China uniting as one to jointly resist foreign invasion. He called for ethnic harmony and for forming a composite nation. After exploring these phases, this paper returns to the root question – to explore what Zhonghua (often translated as “Chinese”) means. This paper argues that this two-character word carries the connotation of “internally a sage, externally a king”. This paper also argues that Chinese culture must be viewed from a Theory of Innate Chinese-ness, rather than a Theory of Phenomenological Chinese-ness. The Chinese Nation needs to be able to draw in foreign ethnicities from across the world to put the cultural ideal of “internally a sage, externally a king” into practice. It needs, in so doing, to form a Theory of Innate Chinese Nationalism that can achieve the effect of “making those near pleased and make those far wish to become closer”, and finally to realize the vision of all of humanity joining hands in worldwide unity.



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