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孫中山「知行觀」與孫武《孫子兵法》「詭道全勝」的實踐之會通初探 detail



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Preliminary Study for a Thorough Understanding of the Implementation of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Concept of Knowledge and Action and The Art of War’s “Deception is the Path to Total Victory”

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Dr. Sun Yat-sen, knowing is difficult but acting is easy, The Art of War, deception is the path to total victory, Jonah Complex



Dr. Sun Yat-sen proposed in his book Sunology the concept of knowledge and action that “acting is easy, knowing is difficult.” His proposal was totally unique. In the annals of Chinese philosophy, it was the first at- tempt to shake off the shackles of religion and moral theory and study the problem of knowledge and action as a “theory of knowledge”, and to shatter the notion that “knowing is not difficult, only acting is difficult” (or “knowing is easy, acting is difficult”). Dr. Sun Yat-sen said, “People are ruled by their own ideologies, and the state’s affairs are tied to the fortunes of the nation … revolution must first start with the heart.” The nation was founded on a psy- chological construct. However, after the Qing Dynasty was overthrown and the Republic of China established, none of the building projects could move forward; the Three Principles of the People and the Five-Power Constitution were deemed “too lofty and unsuitable for China’s use.” The main reason for this was the influence of the old adage that “knowing is easy, acting is diffi- cult”. Therefore, Dr. Sun Yat-sen proposed the theory that “acting is easy, knowing is difficult” to eradicate the prevalent practice of “belittling knowledge and acting rashly.” He emphasized that, “The ups and downs of politics are related to the ups and downs of individuals’ hearts. If I truly be- lieve that this is possible, then I can accomplish anything, no matter how daunting the task. Nothing I do, no matter how simple or straightforward, will bear any fruit if my heart is convinced that it is impossible to put into practice.”
Nonetheless, The Art of War is regarded as a crucial book on military strat- egy in our country. It has been called “the holy book of military science”, “the royal crown of military experience”, “the essence of military strategy”, and “the world’s most famous book on military strategy”. Today it is considered the earliest book written on military theory in China or abroad. Chapter one, “The Beginning of the Plan”, explains that “soldiers are deceitful” and that there are “twelve deceitful ways” that are the strategies of the troops. The secret to victory lies in “catching the enemy off guard and taking them by surprise,” which is the vital essence of the strategy in the book. No matter how brilliant the strategy, the key is to “practice it,” otherwise it is “talking about war on paper” and is meaningless. As Sun Yat-sen put it, “There is a saying in The Art of War: ‘Attack the heart first.’ This is our party’s national building plan, an emotional gut punch.” Therefore, the road to success or fail- ure depends on the mental framework from which one operates. Based on an analysis of the psychological principle of the “Jonah Complex,” the belief that “you can’t fail if you don’t try” must be overcome. To put it another way, “revolution must first start with change of heart.” This study will begin with an investigation of “deceitful practices” in tandem with Sunology’s concept that “acting is easy, knowing is difficult.” For more complete comprehension, literature interpretation and an analytical approach were used. The “12 deceit- ful paths” essential to The Art of War were elaborated on to describe the ben- efits of “total victory”.



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