::: 《 詳目顯示 》

第 1 筆 / 共 1 筆  
題名(英):Sun Yat-sen's Thought and An Inquiry into Taiwan Experience
作者:何振盛(Jeng-sheng Ho)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):national developmentthree principles of the peopleTaiwan experiencenatinalismdemocracypeople's livelihood
摘要(中):  中山先生據以發動革命並追求國族富強的思想鴻略,構成了特別適用於中國的國家發展理論。其具體主張與策略跳脫傳統狹隘的國家發展理論,在一定程度上與晚近的國家理論暗合,且兼採現代化理論與依賴理論的某些重要論述,並改正兩者過度偏重某一面向的缺失。然而中山先生革命建國的思想直至國民政府撥遷來臺,才有實施的機會。因此藉由臺灣經驗的個案分析,足以檢證中山先生國家發展理論的可行性。
摘要(外文):  Dr. Sun yat-sen's thought and strategies of launching revolution and pursuing national prosperity and mightiness comprise a characteristic national development theory for China. His concret contentions and tactics get beyond traditional constricted national development theories and do not only coincide to some extent with recent state theories but also absorb some arguments of modernization and dependence theories and rectify their deficiencies of overemphasizing certain of aspects. Nevertheless, Dr.Sun's revolutionary thought for founding the state was not put into practice until the nationalist governemnt moved to Taiwan.The case study on Taiwan experience is therefore sufficient for verifying the feasibility of Dr.Sun's national development theory.
  The core of Dr.Sun's national development doctrines is composed of three principles of the people:nationalism, democracy and people's livelihood, which are three main goals of national development and key points for reform and change. The government of the Republic of Chian complys with Dr.Sun's instructions for its rule over Taiwan and therefore the success and failure of Taiwan's developmental experience relates closely to the guidance of three principles of the people.This essay begins with expounding the significant concepts of concern and then reviews respectively the practices of nationalism, democracy and people's livelihood in Taiwan. We find out from the past developmental experience in Taiwan that there was a great deal of corelation between theory and practice. In general, it was successful in Taiwan's developmental experience which proved the superiority of Dr.Sun's national development theory. It is suitable for and worthy of states under such circumstances to apply Dr.Sun's theory as guidelines for persuing national independence, political democracy and economic development in developing areas.
  Notwithstanding, Taiwan experience is not yet a perfect kind without any defects, especially regarding to the recent development that has deviated to some degree from the ideal way devised by Dr.Sun, which might cause Taiwan to face tremendous challenges in the future. In the aspect of nationalism, there is a problem of national identification; in the aspect of democracy, a contradiction between itself and populism; as for people's livelihood, much concern over deteriorating allocation of wealth. All these issues relate to whether Dr.Sun's theory will give answers to main themes of national development, and also testify the theorical applicability on one hand and check the rulers' wisdom and ability to apply the theory on the other hand.
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