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題名(英):Introduction to Constitutionalism in Late Ch'ing Dynasty and Dr. Sun Yat-sen' Doctrine in the Modern World
作者:鍾道明(Tao-Ming Chung)
期刊名(中):孫學研究(Sunology Research)
關鍵詞(英):the constitutional monarchythe democratic republicK'ang Yu-weiLiang Ch'i-ch'aoTan Shi-tongDr. Sun Yat-senChang Ping-lin (Chang T'ai-yen)Tsou Jung
摘要(中):  晚清之際,中國知識份子受甲午之戰與日俄戰爭影響要求變法圖強,彼等對時政或鼓吹立憲,或言改革進步思想,或倡革命以建共和,致立憲救國時論一分為二,一方為主張改革及君主立憲之康有為、梁啟超、譚嗣同;他方則有主張革命與共和之孫中山先生與章炳麟、鄒容等。
摘要(外文):  After the Sino-Japanese War (1984-1985), and the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, for the scramble of foreign aggressions, the Chinese elites had drum for a radical program of institutional change, or claimed for a revolution to establish a democratic republic. There are two wings, the one is the Royalists such as K'ang Yu-wei and Liang Ch'i-ch'ao, who had published a pro-emperor organ, New Citizen Journal (Hsin-min ts'ung-pao), which claimed to reform and set up a constitutional monarchy. The other is the Revolutionist such as Dr.Sun Yat-sen and Chang Ping-lin, who had published a monthly organ, People's Report (Min Pao), which initiated a revolution to overthrow the Manchu emperor and to establish a republicanism.
  One of the Royalists leading figures, K'ang Yu-wei had said that the republicanism cannot effective in China, and the constitutional monarchy is beneficial for Chinese political situation. Liang Ch'i-ch'ao believed that the republicanism is unfeasible for China. A younger scholar Tan Shi-tong had preached to smash Chinese traditional thoughts and anti-Manchu imperial court, but he was caught and executed after the Hundred Days of Reform's failed.
  Among the Revolutionist leading figures, such as Chang Ping-lin, promoted anti-Manchuism and criticized K'ang's disciple. He not only had slandered the Manchu imperial court, but also exerted great influence in young students. The most notably Tsou Jung's literature, The Revolutionary Army, was resisted anti-Manchu racism. It was given an apocalypse to Chinese students. The most important, Dr. Sun Yat-sen only tangentially showed great foresight to advocated the republicanism and found the republic of China.
  This text focus on Sun's political, social, and economics ideas which was shown in his major work, The Three Principles of the People (San Min Chu I) which discusses nationalism, democracy, and people's welfare. Many of his proposals are now considered the best solutions for China's modernization.
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